Ahmad is recognized as market leading lawyer in Asialaw.
Ahmad is a Bruneian and was with His Majesty the Sultan and Yang Di-Pertuan’s Government from August 1988 to March 1997 attached to the Attorney-General’s Chambers as Acting Senior Counsel (civil division) and Deputy Public Prosecutor (criminal division) and Deputy Registrar of Companies.
Ahmad is also experienced in commercial work, joint ventures, corporate, banking (both conventional banking and Islamic banking), conveyancing and criminal work. His Syariah based work includes: –
- advising a client on local laws and related matters concerning a Al-Ijarah Financing with Istisna contract for the manufacture and financing of a special purpose built LNG vessel;
- acting as a local counsel for an overseas Islamic Offshore Bank in an Al-Ijarah Bit-Tamlik Financing for a hotel/apartment construction/ refinancing;
- acting as a local counsel for a semi-government company having interests in Saudi Arabia;
- the preparation of legal documents for banking, securities, operational, treasury of Development Bank of Brunei Berhad (conventional) (including trade financing documentation);
- the preparation of legal documents for banking, securities, operational, treasury of Islamic Development Bank of Brunei Berhad (Syariah based);
- advising on the first 2 Sukuk Al-Ijara transactions in Brunei;
- drafting of first Islamic based Inter-bank Placement of funds agreement; and
- advising and preparing legal opinions to banks (both conventional and Islamic) on various banking & finance issues.
He has also represented and defended high profile clients involved in corruption cases and other white-collar crimes. He was successful in gaining an acquittal in the first human trafficking case to be prosecuted in the Brunei High Court.
Ahmad’s other previous legal experience include the review, preparation and drafting of legal opinions on defence related agreements and joint venture agreements between international companies and the Government of Brunei. He also has advised and represented government linked companies and statutory bodies. Ahmad has represented the Attorney General’s Chambers in a broad range of matters including litigation, telecommunication and information technology and intellectual property.
Ahmad: –
- was the first President of the Law Society of Brunei Darussalam and a council member of the Law Society of Brunei Darussalam;
- was a member of the Islamic Laws Committee, under the Brunei Islamic Religious Council, Ministry of Religious Affairs;
- was a Council Member of the Motor Transport Licensing Authority of Brunei Darussalam;
- is a board member of the Brunei Darussalam Arbitration Centre;
- was a Council Member of the Post Graduate Diploma in Islamic Law, University Brunei Darussalam;
- was Chairman of the Appeals Committee under the Football Association of Brunei;
- is a member of the Committee for the Adaption of Laws in Accordance to Islam under the Brunei Religious Council, Ministry of Religious Affairs, for a term of 3 years from June 2024;
- is a member of the Committee for Drafting Islamic Laws under the Brunei Religious Council, Ministry of Religious Affairs, for a term of 3 years from July 2024;
- is currently a board member of the Brunei Darussalam Arbitration Centre Limited;
- is currently a council member of Islamic University of Sultan Sharif Ali, Brunei Darussalam; and
- is a Commissioner for Oaths.